Today 1 SAR to PKR conversion rate is...
Saudi Riyal gained ground against Pakistani currency and reached Rs75.77 in comparison to the previous day rate of Rs75.90.
Saudi Riyal gained value against Pakistan's currency in the interbank market with an increase of 17 paisas. The new rate of the Saudi Riyal is Rs77.77 in comparison to closing rate on Wednesday Rs75.90. Today 1 SAR to PKR conversion rate is PKR 75.77 in the open market as Saudi Riyal to PKR buying and selling rates are different in interbank and currency exchange or open market rates. Saudi Riyal to Pakistani Rupee has been increased by Rs0.17 in interbank trading.
In an analysis featured in Arab media, an economist , attributed the growth to robust government spending with a focus on non-oil sectors as part of its economic diversification plans. In a significant milestone, the Kingdom crossed the GDP threshold for the first time in 2022, reaching SR4.156 trillion. Building on this momentum, analysts predict a GDP of SR4.136 trillion in 2023, SR4.26 trillion in 2024, and SR4.5 trillion in 2025, ultimately culminating in SR4.8 trillion by 2026.Saudi Riyal gains ground against Pakistani currency
پاکستان تازہ ترین خبریں, پاکستان عنوانات
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