Merchants at Rejowinangun Market, Magelang City, prepared dozens of tumpeng to celebrate the 78th Indonesian Independence Day. The making of the tumpeng is paid for by fees from the traders.
Ratih, one of the officials of the traders association at Blok C Pasar Rejowinangun, said that the traders at Blok C are planning to make two rice cone dishes along with their side dishes. Ratih revealed that in addition to making tumpeng, the traders in C Block of Rejowinangun Market also decorated 30 kiosks in the block with various decorations, such as red and white ribbons and banners with photos of the traders.
Siti , a vegetable vendor in Block E of the Rejowinangun Market, stated that there were three groups of vendors in the block who would make at least five cone-shaped rice dishes. She said that the cone-shaped rice dish made by her group has a special feature because it will be placed on a table filled with various decorations.A group of chicken meat traders at the Rejowinangun Market in Magelang City, Central Java, adorned their selling area with a large chicken statue on Wednesday .
One of the traders, Nuraini , said that the celebration of Independence Day in Block H will be lively. In addition to eating together, traders also prepare a special area for singing and dancing together.
پاکستان تازہ ترین خبریں, پاکستان عنوانات
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