Vice presidential candidate Muhaimin Iskandar hopes that the president can act neutrally in the context of the 2024 Presidential Election. Even if his child is involved.
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This was stated by Muhaimin Iskandar after attending several events in Malang, East Java, on Monday . In Malang, the vice presidential candidate from the Coalition for Change visited several places, from visiting a cigarette factory in Pagelaran to meeting retired members of the Indonesian Armed Forces and National Police in Turen.
After the event, the Chairman of the Party of the Nation's Awakening was asked by reporters to comment on President Joko Widodo's meeting with three presidential candidates today. On the occasion, Muhaimin also emphasized that the Anies-Muhaimin pair is optimistic in facing the Presidential Election of 2024.
The Chairman of the Communication Forum of Retired Military and Police Officers for Change and Unity in Malang, Kol Dudung Kusnadi, explained on Monday about the support of retired TNI-Polri officers for the Amin pair.
پاکستان تازہ ترین خبریں, پاکستان عنوانات
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