Mayor of Surakarta, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, did not attend the PDI-P cadre regional head consolidation event in Central Java, Tuesday (15/8/2023) evening. Gibran admitted that he did not accept the invitation to the event.
"I was not invited. There was no invitation," said Gibran in response to questions about his reason for not attending the PDI-P cadre regional leader consolidation on Wednesday at the Surakarta City Hall.Gibran Requests Not to Be Associated with the Material Test for the Candidate's Age Limit
"If invited, I will definitely come. If not, no, it is not possible for me to come alone," said Gibran.Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka along with the Chairman of the Surakarta City PDI-P DPC FX Hadi Rudyatmo released a group of prospective candidates from the PDI-P Surakarta City DPC who will depart by bicycle to the Surakarta City Election Commission from the PDI-P Surakarta City DPC Office, in Surakarta City, Central Java, on Thursday .
Although he still holds the position of regional head, Ganjar was not invited to the meeting in Semarang. Nevertheless, Gibran does not want to disclose the content of his conversation with Ganjar.Meanwhile, Surakarta Deputy Mayor Teguh Prakosa attended the PDI-P consolidation meeting in Semarang. However, Teguh admitted that he didn't know why Gibran wasn't invited.
On the other hand, Teguh mentioned that at the same time as the event in Semarang, a coordination meeting was also held by the Surakarta City Branch Management Board of the PDI-P party, which was attended by Gibran. According to Teguh, he and Gibran shared roles so that both events could be attended entirely.
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